Mvp 2003 Pc Download Torrent


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By Michael Richter |

MVP Baseball 2003 is a solid reentry into the baseball market for EA Sports. Metacritic Game Reviews, MVP Baseball 2003 for PC, New Pitcher/Batter Interface: Players must be strategic with their pitches. Throw a nasty curve to a batter's 'cold zone' or risk a possi.

As a beleaguered franchise toils toward the bottom of the standings, there are really only two directions for an owner to consider: They can either go out like the Brew-Crew, worry more about adjusting jocks than batting orders, and hope the season comes to a quick conclusion, or they can do like the Phillies and rework the team from scratch, dumping the players that caused problems in favor of All-Star performers who know how and have proven the ability to win. Luckily for sports gamers, EA Sports has had enough with the much maligned Triple Play series, and instead of simply scratching, spitting, and cashing checks (Triple Play sold despite horrid reviews), EA Sports (much like the fanatics from Philly) dumped the entire franchise in hopes of building a contender with innovations and gameplay the likes baseball fans have never seen before.


If you build it they will come. Well, EA built it, and the fans are already lining up around the stadium for a peak inside. But is it really worth the price of admission? The answer is both yes and no.

The thing about MVP Baseball is, the game's as shallow as it is slick, and for every highlight, there seems to be a lowlight to match. Sure EA Sports struts to the plate with an innovative and often electric style of gameplay, but it isn't always about what's in the game that determines whether or not a title's worth purchasing. Sometimes it's about what's been left out, and in the case of MVP Baseball, what's been left out simply can't be ignored…then again, either can the game's innovations. MVP's new nickname should be 'The Diamond Dichotomy,' as the game proves to play as a polygonal contradiction, a game so good and at the same time so frustrating, that you'll find yourself loving it for what it is, but hating it for what it could've been.


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The first thing you notice when you turn on the game, is that MVP's gameplay is unlike that of any other baseball title currently on the market. In the old days of Triple Play (as well as MVP's competitors), pitching the ball isn't as much about skill as it is picking a pitch and spotting it perfectly on the corner of the plate. In MVP, however, the innovative pitcher/batter interface proves to be EA's ace feature, and the element that makes the game the best head-to-head baseball title to hit the market this season. In order to simply pitch the ball, you have to master a meter that resembles something more from Tiger Woods than Andy Van Hekken (Tiger, Tiger, get it?). Here's an example of how it works: You select the pitch by pressing the button that corresponds to it, then you hold down that button and watch the meter swing to the right (if pitcher is right handed) to determine the pitch's power. Release the button when you reach the desired velocity, then press the same button a second time as it swings back to the left to determine the pitch's accuracy. If you are able to stop the meter within the green accuracy box, you're pitch will be aimed approximately where you aim it in the strike zone. If not, you're liable to throw it anywhere from down the heart of the plate to straight at the hitter's head. In addition, the higher the speed you're attempting to reach with your pitch, the smaller the accuracy box becomes, so while it's easy to toss the slow curve, try spotting a 95mph splitter across the outside corner and see what kind of skill you really have. Finally, a game where it takes timing and touch to not only hit, but to pitch as well. A welcomed addition to video games, and something not seen since 1997's Grand Slam Baseball, the first, and only other game to my recollection, to attempt such an ambitious feat.

In addition to the pitching meter, the hitting zone, and batting in general is also championship caliber. First off, each player's hot and cold zones are displayed directly in the strike zone. This helps not only the hitter know what areas to swing and what spots are best to stay away from, but also helps the pitcher place pitches directly in opposing player's weakest spots. Second, as a batter, you can attempt to hit grounders, long flys, pull the ball, or stroke one to the opposite field depending on what direction you hold while swinging the bat. If you press up, you're more likely to hit a fly ball. Press down and you'll slap it straight into the turf. These swings come into play at different strategic points in the game as you might need to hit a grounder to the right side to move a runner from second to third, or if you're hoping to hit a sacrifice fly to score a run in the late innings.

Another innovation brought to the field in MVP is Picture-in Picture base running. Instead of seeing little dots move around the base paths, now you actually see your players running from base-to-base in small boxes in the top right portion of the screen. This helps you see how close they are to the base, as well as helps you know the instant they start to run, stop, or turn back toward the previous base. All essential while stealing bases, going first-to-home on a double, and while you're caught in a rundown. Base running in general is smooth and easy to understand, adding to the overall experience of the game rather than detracting from the realism and excitement as it did in previous seasons of Triple Play.

And while the majority of gameplay is fun and action-oriented, some problems arise the more you play the game. There are a surprisingly low number of home runs hit in the game, not only against the computer, but in multiplayer as well. This becomes more and more obvious as you play a season with the Giants and Bonds has about 15 roundtrippers by the break, and no one else on your team even comes close. Another problem is the fact that it's nearly impossible to actually strike the computer out. Computer batters never ever never swing at balls out of the strikezone and this can be extremely frustrating when your payoff pitch gets called for ball four when no batter alive could've held his swing. Things like that can turn the average gamer into a ranting Lou Pinella in no time.

Speaking of frustration, MVP lacks a lot of features found in many (if not most) of its competition. There's no Fantasy Draft, no Hall of Fame or Negro League players, no practice mode, no Player of the Game award, no throwback jersey's or old-school stadiums. What MVP does have, though, is top-notch online play through EA Sports Online, where gameplay is smooth and users are rated for their skills at the plate.

Mvp 2003 Pc Download Torrent Free

Like many other baseball fans, I had written off EA Sports Triple Play series after a number of lackluster seasons. Apparently the upper brass at EA Sports agreed and they have written the series off as well, at least in namesake. In one of the most significant videogame u-turns I've seen, MVP Baseball 2003 washes away all of the bad memories of the Triple Play series and has changed the way I will look at pitching, fielding and batting in baseball games going forward - this game is that innovative.

When I hear the term 'innovative'? or 'evolutionary,'? I always take it with a grain of salt. One minor change in the way something was done in the past and the marketing department stands up and screams 'INNOVATIVE NEW' (fill in the blank with whatever comes to mind)....'? For once, this claim cannot be dismissed because I can honestly say this game has created a new pitching and fielding system and it is nothing like you have seen in a baseball game previously. If you have ever played a golf game, you will feel right at home. Pitching uses a similar meter found in golf games when used for the swing. Select the pitch location, select the pitch type and start the meter. Once the meter fills, press the pitch button to select the power. As the meter goes back down, press the pitch button to select the location (there is a small area that you aim to hit). If you do things correctly, you will throw your pitch in the correct location. If you miss on the power side, your pitch will go slower or, if a breaking ball was selected, will not break as much. If you miss on the location, you will either throw a ball or throw the ball in a location easier for the batter to hit. Normally, I would not dedicate this much detail to how a specific function of a game works but I feel this system is so different from anything seen in a baseball game that it warrants the detailed explanation.

Now that you know how the pitching meter works, the biggest question is how it feels when playing. The answer is a resounding 'awesome.'? I have always looked at pitching in baseball games as boring and fairly non-interactive. Select your pitch and location and push a button and then sit back and watch. I actually found this new pitching system more interactive than batting and fielding. Where I used to go into auto pilot, I now have to sit up and increase my attention to ensure I throw good pitches. This system has also finally found a tangible, visible way to convey pitcher fatigue. As your pitcher tires, the location area on the pitching gauge shrinks, making it more difficult to throw a strike. For once, a game that actually makes you feel like you are in control of all aspects of the pitching game.

The rest of the game is easy enough to play and also includes a few 'innovative'? aspects, although not on the same level as the pitching. For one, the fielding uses a similar gauge to pitching except you only focus on the speed, not the accuracy. The longer you hold the throw button, the harder the fielder will throw the ball. The advantage is the ball will get there quicker but accuracy is compromised. Batting is simple enough relying on timing rather than a batting cursor. Base running is handled in a picture-in-picture type window that works surprisingly well. Finally, the games are much more realistic and true to baseball. Gone are the 22-18 games with 11 homeruns - games are low scoring and homeruns are few and far between.

Considering this game has been completely redesigned, I think it is fair to call this a rookie season and there are some rookie mistakes. For one, the fielders make a number of plays with their backs to the ball, which looks strange. Computer AI does not always move to the base and on occasion just seems to have a brain dump and stand there with the ball in hand while the runner scoots past. Bullpen management, player controlled diving, and on-line play are all absent.

Minor gripes aside, I must admit this game blew away my expectations. If they build on this version by fixing the minor issues and adding on-line play (please reconsider your 'no Live'? stance EA), MVP will be my top choice for baseball next year.

Overall rating: 8