How To Download Webex Recording From Url5


I've recorded a Webex WRF screencast and I'd like to convert it to WMV or AVI or something.The Webex Editor keeps saying it needs Windows Media Player 9.

  1. Saving A Webex Recording
  2. Download Webex Recording Player
  3. Download Webex App
  4. Download Webex Recording From Link
  5. How To Download Webex Recording From Url5 To Computer

How to download a Webex recording? I recorded WebEx session as host. Then click on the Download recording link. What would be the URL for that domain transfer? Recordings made using network-based recording (Record on Server) will be in your WebEx service Web site under My WebEx > My Files > My Recordings tab. Each recording has a streaming/download link that you can email to others right from the recording list. If you only record and then download the recordings from WebEx to PC, then the downloaded files will be kept as ARF (WebEx Advanced Recording Format), which are different from WRF (WebEx Recording Format) files (During WebEx session, you make and edit recordings by yourself.).

Saving A Webex Recording

Is there any other way to convert WRF?

How To Download Webex Recording From Url5

2 Answers

How To Download Webex Recording From Url5

The official player from the WebEx site supports transcoding to WMV, SWF (and on my Win7 version, MP4; although the page does not list that). WebEx KB offers an article ( on how to use the tool for transcoding, but I doubt one would need to read it.

There is also a WebEx Recording Editor, though I have no experience using it.

Download Webex Recording Player

Matthew L DanielMatthew L Daniel

Download Webex App

In case anybody get stuck with conversion from ARF to MP4 that requires the login. For the Site URL, I used


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How To Download Webex Recording From Url5 To Computer

I've got a link a company gave me to a recording from a WebEx demo they gave my organization. While I appreciate the link and content, I'd like to grab a copy and have it in a Windows native format. From reading the WebEx documentation this is do-able and completely normal, but I'm not having much luck.
I can access the stream via the link and it spools and plays in their Java based (I think) player. When I access the Help in the player, it has a section on saving and converting the presentation and it says more or less 'Click the File menu, click Convert and choose a file type!' Both menus are present but the file format types are grayed out, I can't choose either (SWF or WMV).
I downloaded and installed the Win32 desktop application 'Network Recording Player'. The application looks similar to the Java based one (so much so I imagine it's more or less the same thing). The instructions are very similar, open the presentation, click convert and choose a format. If I give the desktop app the web URL as the presentation to open it chokes (it's expecting a local file in .arf format).
WebEx help indicates that when I click a URL for a recording, I will be presented with the option of opening the recording or saving it. That's not what happens for me, it only pops up the Java client and starts streaming the presentation. This isn't an application mapping issue since it's a Java app that's loading....
Any ideas? My last thought is trying to load a packet sniffer to see the URL that the Java client is streaming the file from and see if I can download it directly...